303_A_ : Demography
UAAC301 : Business Communication
UAECO301 : Microeconomics –II
UAECO302 : Indian Economy Contemporary concerns
UAENG301 : Indian Literature in English-II
UAENG302 : English- III
UAFC301 : Foundation Course-III
UAGEO301 : Geography-II
UAGEO302 : Geography-III-Physical Geography of India
UAHA301 : Landmarks in World History, 1300 A.D.-1945 A.D. -II
UAHA302 : Ancient India from Earliest Times to 1000 A.D.-III
UAHIN301 : Hindi -II
UAHIN302 : Prayojan Mulak Hindi -III
UAMAR302 : Marathi-III
UBA301 : Marathi-II