Name : Mr. Kamlakar Mahadev Chavan
Present Occupation : Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification : M.A. (Eng.), NET (Eng.), SET (Eng.), M. Phil (Eng.)
E-mail ID :
Faculty :
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Date of Joining : June-2013
Specialization :
Extra-Curricular Activity :
- Judged the student-participants in the District Level Elocution Competition and Essay Competition organized by District Sports Office, Sindhudurg.
- Worked as the Team Manager for two-act-play performed at four theatres by S.R.M. College, Kudal in November, 2014.
- Edited the English Section of ‘Bharari’, annual magazine of the College.
- Worked as an active member in the committees like Literary Association, Editorial Board for ‘Bharari’ and ‘Spandan’, Cultural Activity, Discipline Committee, Timetable Committee, Language Laboratory Committee, Website Updating and Technology Upgradation, Teacher’s Research and Avishkar Convention, Prospectus Committee, etc.
- Worked as the District Coordinator for the State Level Essay Competition organized by ‘Marathi Vikas Sanstha, Mumbai’ to celebrate 15th October as the birth anniversary of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam as ‘Vachan Prerana Din’ in 2015.
- Worked as the Convener of Cultural Activity Committee in the College during the three academic years from 2015-16 to 2018-19.
- Worked as the District Co-coordinator of Sindhudurg Zone for the Selection Round of 50th and 51st Youth Festival and a Member of Organizing Committee for University Youth Festival organized by University of Mumbai during the two academic years, 2017-18 and 2018-19.
- Working as the Editor of ‘Bharari’, the Annual College Magazine since the last academic year, 2018-19.