Title of the Practice : Movie show (based on the syllabus)
Goal : To cultivate interest among students about literature to arise the critical thinking among the students and to simplify the syllabus by taking discussion after the end of the show.
Context : It is believed that the literature holds mirror to the society. It is the depiction of the society. Literature teaches us what is good and wrong. It also sets some conducts of morals. It is a way to deliver our emotions, thoughts, attitudes and dreams etc. All humans need and desire to express in the literary forms like poetry, plays, novels etc. Movies which are based on the popular literary texts whether it is drama or novel are selected for the students of English and Marathi Department. The students by watching the movie understand the text and analyze it in his or her own language. After the session of show a small group discussion is taken place.
Practice : Movies are selected which are based on the syllabus. Generally they are based upon the plays or novels. Once the related topic is taught or explained, the movie show is organised for the students followed by critical discussion. The activity is conducted by Marathi and English departments.
Evidence of Success : Because of audio visual aid the concept or theme of the literature is clearly understood by the students and they show active participation in the discussion.
Problems Encountered : All the literature as per syllabus may not be available as movie or other form of audio visual presentation. And if it is so, its soft copy may not be available.
Resources Required : Audio visual aid and soft copies of the movies such as CDs or DVDs.