Title of the Practice : SETSIPC
Goal : To kindle the innovative and creative ideas in minds of young students and to develop various project designing and presentation skills.
Context : ‘SETSIPC’ it stands for Shri Eknath Thakur Student Innovative Presentation Competition. We conduct various competitions for students of Bachelor’s and Master’s in Computer Science and Information Technology to share their concepts and innovative ideas. It is being organized every year since academic year 2016-17 on 14th February in the memory of Late Shri Eknathji Thakur. former member of legislative assembly, Government of India as well as former president of K. M. S. P. Mandal, Kudal.
Practice : The competition is intercollegiate and we try to reach maximum institutes in the neighbouring states. We organize Project and PowerPoint presentation competition. Students can present their viewpoints and their skills. They have to present innovative ideas in the field of information Technology. The competition is being judged by the Industry experts and also the experts give valuable guidance to the students regarding technologies evolving day to day.
Evidence of Success: Students as well as teachers from different colleges in Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri district attend this event.
Problems Encountered : Number of participation of the students is not as per expectations.
Resources Required : ICT enabled classroom and Industry Experts.