Title of the Practice : SCIENTI-FEST

Goal : To inculcate scientific temperament among the students and to showcase and improve their hidden talent.

Context : 28th February is a National Science Day. The programme “Scienti-Fest” is therefore run in the month of February, on a suitable day, by the S.Y.B.Sc. (Physics) students. This activity is being conducted successfully since 2015-16. It not only helps to inculcate scientific temperament among students but gives exposure to the students to learn event management as well as stage daring.

Practice : This one day programme is organized by the students themselves. It consist of a lecture or presentation by a renowned person in the concerned field and some contests or competitions for students in the subject field viz. debate, quiz, poster making etc. on a specified theme  to create awareness of basic science, applied science, fun in science and conceptual science among all college students. The program is open to all the students of the college.

Evidence of Success : All the students from science faculty and many students from other faculties attend the program and participate in various competitions.

Problems Encountered : Availability of the renowned guest.

Resources Required : No special resources needed. ICT equipped large room is sufficient.