Title of the Practice : EYES

Goal : 1. To integrate skill development and education for skilling to take wings.
2. To inculcate professionalism with trends in I.T.

Context : ‘EYES’ stands for ‘Enlighten Young’s Every Saturday ’ this practice was being performed on every Saturday. It was being performed by the staff members as well as students for the F.Y.B.Sc.I.T & S.Y. B.Sc.I.T. students.

Practice : We invited our alumni as well as Industry Experts to share their working experience and to guide the students accordingly. Also lectures were conducted by the staff members to provide knowledge of various technologies beside the syllabus. We organize the activities such as  group discussions, presentations etc. that helped students to portrait their skills and interest.

Evidence of Success : All students attended the program and participated in various activities.

Problems Encountered : Students were not able to give sufficient time due to hectic regular academic schedule of college and unsuitable timing of their buses to go home.

Resources Required : ICT equipped large room is sufficient.